SO FAR, SO GOOD (6.29.08)

So far, so good - Brian left yesterday morning and so far (cross your fingers), no major problems thus far! We had a good day yesterday. Levi is EVERYWHERE and does not want to be trapped anywhere. For instance, he use to love the johnny jump up and his exersaucer but no more, he only sees that as something he can't get out of and crawl around so he doesn't want any part of those things. He only tolerates sitting in his high chair because he thinks he will get food. Anyway, we all took a long nap on Saturday afternoon which was good. Got up and went to the grocery store which is always fun. Came home and Isaiah and I made a cake (I know, so domestic huh). And I made dinner for us holding Levi the whole time because if I put him down he would get in to something or cry because I wasn't holding him. Levi went to bed early because for whatever reason he was a wreck even after his long nap. Anyway, he went to bed at 7pm and didn't wake this morning until 8am. You know when you have those moments and think, surely something must be wrong and you check on them a million times, that's sort of how I felt this morning. But all was fine, he was just tired, I guess from crawling everywhere. Check out the below video of his pulling up on the couch. He has picked this all up so fast. It seems like he learned to sit up, crawl and now pull up in a matter of weeks. I just don't remember Isaiah doing all of this so quickly. Maybe we will have an early walker - who knows.

Brian called yesterday when he got to Tampa and had a good flight. All was fine. He brought a few of Isaiah's bed time books with him so he could read a book to him each night before bed on the phone. So sweet! So when Isaiah called him last night to read his book, Brian was at a resturant with some friends but he stopped and read the book to Isaiah. I was just thinking, I am sure his friends thought that a little strange, unless they have kids then they thought it was the sweetest thing ever! We surely miss Brian when he is gone!

I always joke with Brian about having a "Dish Fairy" at our house. Seriously, you put a dish in the sink and moments later it is clean and in the drying rack. Strangely enough, the dish fairy doesn't seem to show up when Brian is out of town for some reason, very strange I know! I kept waiting for it to happen yesterday but it never did and by the end of the day, I had lots of dishs to do, yucky! So when I talked to Brian last night I told him to bring back the dish fairy!

I have also had this sinus/cough/yucky stuff going on for some time now. Brian keeps telling me to go to the doctor and I keep refusing thinking surely it will go away soon. I don't know what is going on with me. I just cough and cough and cough, especially at night time. So, Isaiah always sleeps in the bed with me when Brian is gone (the ultimate treat for him). Isaiah told Brian yesterday that if I was coughing at night time, he would go downstairs and get me a drink to help me stop coughing. How sweet is he! So, last night when we first laid down I was coughing a little bit and every time I did, Isaiah would say "Are you ok Mommy?" Just like a little man, looking out for me! Luckily I didn't cough too much after I feel asleep.

We were also talking to Isaiah about this trip of Brian's. Telling him that Daddy is taking a trip now, in another week or so I am going on a trip to the beach (THANK YOU JESUS) with some of my girlfriends. I can not wait!!!!!!!!! And then Isaiah is going on a trip with Nona and Popa for 2 weeks. So everyone gets a trip but poor Levi! He gets the shaft again. It's good for all of us to get away every now and then to refresh and regain some of your sanity!

That's it for now - more updates to come!!! We miss you Brian - come home soon!!!

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