LEVI'S FALL (11.1.08)

So, my MOTHER OF THE YEAR 2008 award is offically be stripped away! Levi fell down the stairs at our house yesterday evening. For those of you who haven't had the priviledge of coming to our house, we have a very old house with very old, steep, hard wooden stairs. Luckily they don't go straight down, we have 2 stairs then a landing, and 10 or so stairs going in another direction and then another landing and then 4 stairs going to the top. Not sure if that even makes sense or not. Anyway, we have a gate at the top of our stairs to prevent such terrible things from happening. We were getting ready to head to the first WBKB game last night and I was helping Isaiah change clothes. Levi was crawling around upstairs and I hear a THUMB and then a few more THUMB, THUMB, THUMBs, and then SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! Oh lord, the unthinkable has just happened. I didn't lock the gate and smart little Levi opened the gate and went down the 4 steps to the next landing, thankfully on his belly! THANK YOU LORD that he was not more hurt. It scared the living daylights out of me, I started crying, Isaiah was crying and Levi was screaming. It was awful. Brian had just left to go early and I called him and he immediately rushed home. I guess we have all had these accidents and it is a very quick and harsh reminder that they can get out of our sight and into BAD trouble before we know it. Most of you know that I fell down the same steps, except the longer portion last year right after Levi was born and broke my toe (you know how all your toes point up, I had 4 pointing up and the baby toe pointing LEFT - OUCH!) We are so very thankful that he was on his belly and not standing because then he would have rolled and I don't even want to think of what terrible injuries he would have had then. For now he just have 4 nice bruises on his face. I tried to get a picture but you can't really see them that well. 3 on the forehead right below his hair line and then 1 under his left eye. Bless his heart!!!

Moral of the story - don't be like me, watch your kids at ALL TIMES!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lindsey. I am glad little Levi is just fine! I know as a mom you will beat yourself up over it, but accidents happen. Ryan rolled off our bed when he was five months old and onto the floor. And he was my only child back then! So hug Levi tight and forgive yourself. And I will say, "GO BAMA" for you all :) Laura