DISH FAIRY #2 (8.9.08)

Some of you know that Brian is also known in our house as the "Dish Fairy"! We call him that because he loves to do the dishes - wait I should rephrase that - he almost always does the dishes because I HATE to do it. We also call him that because it seems that as soon as I or Isaiah place something in the sink, literally within seconds it is cleaned and placed on the drying rack, it is sort of scary like we have a little fairy that comes behind us. Oh and we also don't have a dishwasher so Brian does ALOT of dishes! Well, apparently Levi has decided he might be a dish fairy too one day. The other day Brian was standing at the sink, his normal spot, and doing some dishes and Levi was standing next to him banging on the cabinet - I think he was trying to say "Daddy, pick me up and let me learn how to wash the dishes too!!!!" HAHA!!!!!!!! Ya right!

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